Add Slot In Qt Designer

Posted : admin On 4/2/2022
Add Slot In Qt Designer Rating: 3,6/5 9027 votes

PyQt is more versatile than C/Qt in this regard, because we can connect not just to slots, but also to any callable, and from PyQt 4.2, it is possible to dynamically add 'predefined' signals and slots to QObjects. Let's see how signals and slots works in practice with the Signals and Slots program shown in Figure 4.6. I am new to QT so I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question. I am using QT 5.10.11 with VS2015 in C on a Win10 platform. I have some radio buttons that I want to handle the signals from. I understand that QT Designer does not have the 'go to slots' option of QT Creator. I do not know how to connect a slot to the radio button clicked. In this video, we will learn to add widgets visually to the PyQt5 GUI using the Qt Designer. Add widgets by dragging them onto the designer form - Set properties in the property editor - Add event handling with the signal/slot editor.

I was going through the 'Getting started' section for Qt using VS2012 as my IDE, and I got stuck when I had to add a Add Slot In Qt Designerslot to a button. Apparently there is a bug when using the Visual Studio add-in, that the submenu Go to slot doesn't show up in a context menu in Qt Designer (see bug). Needless to say, I spent more than two hours trying to figure out how to get around this problem. The following is what I found:
Let's say you have a class called Notepad that has a quit button and you want to handle when the button is clicked. First create a private slot in the class definition in the header file - Notepad.h in this example.
class Notepad : public QMainWindow
private slots:
public void on_quitButton_clicked();

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On the Notepad.cpp add the following:
void Notepad::on_quitButton_clicked();
Note: from what I read it's good idea to follow the convention on_name_signal() for all your custom slots.

Now open your *.ui file with Qt Designer. At this point I tried using the Signal/Slot editor to add the slot to the button on the GUI. The 'custom' slot we wrote above however doesn't show up when you click the slot dropdown.
After scouring stackoverflow and the Qt forums I found a couple of ways to get the custom slot to show in the dropdown.
  1. Go to Signal/Slots mode by pressing F4 on your keyboard.
  2. Click on the button so that it changes color.
  3. Left-click and drag it to the top of the main window.

4. This brings up the Configure Connection window
5. On the left pane select the Signal clicked()
6. On the right pane select Edit
7. This brings yet another window, select the + button.
8. Enter the name of the custom slot, on_quitButton_clicked() in this case.

Add Slot In Qt Designer Software

9. Click Ok and now you should be able to see the slot in the dropdown in Signal/Slot editor.

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Pretty tedious, but if you want to use Visual Studio as the IDE, this is what you will have to go through until someone fixes the bug, or you decide to use Qt Creator. If I keep finding issues like this by using Visual Studio I think I'll have to do to the latter.