Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindi

Posted : admin On 3/30/2022
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Footprints without feet is a great chapter it includes the joy of Footprints without feet. It is well explained by Edumantra including Introduction in the lesson Footprints without feet, Message, Theme, Title, Characters of the chapter Footprints without feet, Summary in English Footprints without feet, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short answers, Very short Answers in the chapter Footprints without feet, MCQs of the lesson Footprints without feet and much more.

Footprints without Feet

By H.G. Wells

Footprints without feet is a great chapter it includes the joy of Footprints without feet. It is well explained by Edumantra including Introduction in the lesson Footprints without feet, Message, Theme, Title, Characters of the chapter Footprints without feet, Summary in English Footprints without feet, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short. Translation for 'poker' in the free English-Hindi dictionary and many other Hindi translations. With few rules and the lowest Illegal Gambling Meaning In Hindi house edge in any casino game, blackjack is one of the easiest games to learn and win. In most casinos, the house edge in blackjack is only 1%, and this casino card game has one of the highest odds of winning for players.

Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- Footprints without Feet

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[PAGE 26] : Imprints = impressions(छापचिन्ह ); gazed = looked fixedly (ध्यानसेदेखा ) ;remarkable = strange (अजीवविलछड ); descending = coming down (नीचेआतेहुए ); progressing = moving ahead (आगेबढ़तेहुए ); fascinated = attracted (आकर्षितहुए ); faint = dim, light (हल्कामद्द्यम );altogether = completely (पूरीतरह ); explanation = reason (कारण ); mystery = secret (रहस्य ); bewildered = confused (परेशान ); transparent = through which light can pass (पारदर्शी ); carried out = did, conducted (किया ); invisible = that which cannot be seen (अदृश्य ); swallowed = ate without chewing (निगला ); rare = not often seen (दुर्लभ ); drug = medicine (दवाऔषधि ); solid = not in liquid or gaseous form (ठोस );

brilliant= talented (प्रतिभाशाली ); lawless = not caring for law (स्वेच्छाचारी ); eject = to force someone out (जवरदस्तीनिकालना ); revenge = vindictive feeling (बदला )

[PAGE 27] : Adventures = risky activities(जोखिमभरेकाम ); by no means = not at all (बिलकुलनहीं ); bitterly = excessive (बहुतअधिक ); warmth = heat (गर्मी ); regard = concern (चिंता );expense = spending of money (खर्च ) ; wrappers = paper covers (कागज के कवर ); settled down = laid comfortably (आराम से लेट गया ); managed = succeeded in (सफल होना )

[PAGE 28] : Panicked = be afraid, confused (डर जाना , घवरा जाना ); gave chase = followed (पीछा किया ); chill = very cold (बहुत ठंडक ); stock = store (भण्डार); space = room (स्थान ); shivering = trembling (काँपना ) ; side-whiskers = beard (दाढ़ी ); callously = without mercy (निर्दयता से ) ; arrival = reaching (पहुंचना ); appearance = outer form (बाहरी रूप ); effort = attempt ( प्रयत्न ); solitude = loneliness (अकेलापन ); disturbed = hindered (रुकावट डालना );

satisfied = contented (संतुस्ट ) ; eccentrical = whimsical (सनकी ); excuse = ignore (उपेच्छा करना , माफ़ करना ); irritable = easily annoyed (चिढ़चिढ़ा ); temper = nature (स्वभाव ); presently = soon (शीघ्र ही इस समय ) ; shortly = soon (शीघ्र ) ; curious = strange (विचित्र ) ; episode = event (घटना ) ; occurred = happened (घटित हुआ ) ; clergyman = Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindipriest (पादरी ) ; chink = sound of coins (पैसो की खनक ) ; poker = rod for poking fire (कुरेदनी ); grasped = held firmly (कसकर पकड़ा ) ; firmly = steadily (मजबूती से ) ; surrender = submit (हार मानना )

[PAGE 29]: Amazement = surprise(हैरानी ); affair = matter (मामला ); furious = very angry (बहुत गुस्से में ); investigate = examine ( पड़ताल करना ); still = more (और अधिक ); sniff = act of sniffing ( नाक से साँस लेना ); bedpost = leg or stand of bed ( विस्तर का पाया ); terror = fear ( डर ); slam = shut forcefully ( जोर से बंद करना ); extraordinary = unusual ( असाधारण ); convinced = sure ( विस्वास होना ); haunted = visited by ghosts ( भूतहा ); spirit = ghost ( भूत , आत्मा ) ; moaned = cried with pain ( कराहा ); witchcraft = sorcery ( जादू -टोना ) ; burglary = theft (चोरी); suspected = doubted (संदेह हुआ ) ; suspicion = feeling of doubt ( शक )

[PAGE 30]: Quick tempered = short tempered( चिढ़चिढ़ा ); horrified = frightened ( डरा हुआ ); prevented = hindered, stopped ( रोका ); warrant = written official order (वारंट ); garment = clothing (कपड़ा ); struggling = fighting ( संघर्ष करते हुए )

[PAGE 31]: Knocked = hit or striked(प्रहार ); unconscious = fainted ( बेहोश ); nervous = agitated, confused ( उत्तेजित , परेशान )



Muddy- of mud, Imprints- impressions, Bare- without shoes, Gazed-stared,Remarkable- noticeable, Footmark-

a footprint, Appeared- was seen Descending- coming down, Progressing- going ahead, Fascinated-attracted, Fainter- dim,Tik, Disappeared- vanished, Mystery- secret, Explanation- clarification, Bewildered- stunned, highly surprised, Transparent- crystal clear, Invisible- unseen, Swallowed- gulped down, Rare- extraordinary,Drugs-

Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindi Dubbed

medicines, Solid- not hollow,Brilliant- (here) very bright, very competent or intelligent, Lawless- not obeying law,siting

Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindi Language

Eject- drive out, Revenge- retaliation,answering back,

Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindi Translation



Escaped- got away, Adventures- risky acts,Over- ended, Bitterly-severely, Warmth(here) a little heat, Regard(here) caring, Expense-cost, Wide-brimmed- having wide boundary, Wrappers- covers, Grocery-provisional store, Quilts- warm covers, Assistants- helpers,


Poker Grasped Meaning In Hindi Dictionary

Approaching- coming near, Panicked- got frightened, Chase- run after Chill- very cold, Stock(here) godown, Shivering- trembling, Hurried-went in a hurry, Suitable- proper, Bandages- bands, Whiskers- hairs on cheeks, Callously- cruelly, Robbed- looted, Eager- anxious, Unusual- not ordinary, Event- incident, Set all tongues wagging- made all people talk about,Solitude- loneliness Affected- made effect on,Eccentric- freakyExcuse- forgive, Irritable- angry, Temper- nature, Pretended- made an excuse, Curious- strange, Episode- event, Occurred— happened, tired Creeping- moving quietly, slowly, Chink- chinking sound, Poker- an instrument used in to stoke fire, Grasps- held firmly,


Amazement —surprise, Were up woke up, Opportunity– –chance, Peeped- peered, Investigate(here) to examine, Sniff(here) breathing from the nose, Leapt up- jumped up, Dashed- hit, Alive- –full of life, Springing- Jumping, Charged- attacked, Foremost- first, Terror- greatfearSlam– smashed, Hysterics- great excitement, Convinced- sure, Haunted- visited, Spirits- ghosts,Moaned— cried in pain, Witch-craft—black magic, Burglary(here) theft,While suspected—doubted Suspicion—doubt,Mysteriously—in a mysterious manner,


Quick-tempered—short-tempered, Furious—very angry, Horrified—Bar —Place where drinks are served, terrd, Garment—dress, clothing,Prevented—stopped, Get hold(here) arrest,


Blows(here) attack of fists, Knocked—thrown down by force, Unconscious—senseless,Attempt—try, Hold(here) catch, Nervous—anxious, frightened, Excited—with excitement, Lay hand on—catch,

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